Taking control of your debt can feel like a never ending battle. But with the right budget and the right tools, you can tackle your debt and finally pay it off! These printable debt snowball trackers are the perfect tool to help you pay off each and every single one of your debts.

If one of your goals this year is to be debt free, then these debt trackers are the tool you need to finally make progress toward financial freedom. 

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What is a debt snowball? It’s a strategy, popularized by Dave Ramsey, for paying off debt that works by concentrating of the smallest debt first and then once that is paid off, you apply that payment to the next lowest debt (in addition the current minimum payment) and so on and so on. Once you get going the payment snowball so that you pay off debts faster and faster. 

While Dave Ramsey says to list debts in order of balance from smallest to largest and to focus on only one debt at a time, sometimes things aren’t as clear cut as that. Some people choose the debt with the highest interest rate to focus on first. Some people choose a debt that has a promotional rate, such as 0% for a limited time, and some people may choose to focus on more than one debt at a time. 

Whichever person you are, these snowball trackers can help you see your progress on paper and help you stay motivated as you see the balances shrink. 

These printable debt trackers are the perfect addition to your monthly budget sheet and check registers


printable debt trackers preview pages


How to Download and USe the Printable Debt Snowball Trackers

There are 11 different debt trackers to choose from, all in easy to download and print PDF format. 

Whether you want one debt per sheet or 2, color or black and white, simple or more complex, there is a snowball tracker for everyone. 

These printables are easy to download and use. All you need to do, is click on the image of the tracker you want and a new tab will open for you to download it to your device.

Once you have them printed, you can start logging all of monthly payments toward your debt and watch those balances shrink!

 simple printable debt snowball log in rainbow

 printable debt snowball in blue

 black and white printable debt payment tracker

 dual debt printable debt snowball log

 dual debt printable debt snowball tracker in color

 black and white dual debt printable debt snowball log

 printable debt snowball tracker in green

 printable debt snowball tracker in black and white

 printable debt snowball tracker in rainbow

 3 debt printable debt snowball tracker in color

 3 debt printable debt snowball tracker in black and white

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