Learning to read is an important part of any child’s education. Get this fun alphabet chart printable to help teach kids the letter sounds associated with each letter of the alphabet!
This ABC chart printable is perfect for any child learning to read, such as toddler, preschooler, pre-K, kindergartener, or even early elementary ages such as first and 2nd grade.
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It makes a great reference tool for young readers as they memorize the letter sounds and begin to read!
How to Use the Alphabet Chart Printable
This chart is great for classroom teachers, homeschool parents, or even reading tutors! It’s free for personal or classroom use and can be easily printed for kids to use as a reference tool.
The ABC Chart printable has all 26 letters- in both uppercase and lowercase- and a picture that begins with the most common sound the letter makes.
Note that the vowel sounds are focused on SHORT vowel sounds since those are the ones that kids learn first and the X sound is focused on the end of the word as opposed to the beginning sound.
Not sure how to use the printable alphabet chart? Here are some ideas:
- Place in a binder for easy reference whenever kids needs a reminder
- Laminate and tape to the child’s desk where they can always see it
- Place the chart around the room or classroom
- Use the chart for letter name/sound practice. Just point to a letter and ask the child the name and/or sound
This handy chart can be used in lots of ways to help solidify the letter sounds and help kids learn to read.
Printable ABC Chart Pictures
The chart has a picture associated with each letter. It can be helpful to turn this into a recitation where the child or classroom goes through and says the following:
A is for Apple
B is for Ball
C is for Car
D is for Dog
E is for Elephant
F is for Frog
G is for Ghost
H is for Hat
I is for Igloo
J is for Jellyfish
K is for Kite
L is for Lion
M is for Mouse
N is for Net
O is for Octopus
P is for Pig
Q is for Question
R is for Rocket
S is for Snake
T is for Turtle
U is for Umbrella
V is for Volcano
W is for Watermelon
X is for Fox
Y is for Yo-Yo
Z is for Zebra
It can also be helpful to stress the sound. B is for B B B Ball.
You can also find this chart and many other resources in the Complete ABC Learning Bundle from my sister site Fun Easy Reading.
Download the Alphabet Chart Printable Now
There are 2 different charts to choose from: Black and White or Color.
The charts are in an easy to download and use PDF format.
Simply click the image or link below to download each of the charts and help your child learn to read!
Color Alphabet Chart Printable:
The first chart is in full color.
Perfect for homeschoolers or teacher use
Click the image or link below to download this chart.
Black and White ABC Chart Printable:
The next chart is a black and white Alphabet Chart.
This one is perfect for classroom use, when you want to print out one for each student.
It’s also great for those who want to save on ink or don’t have a color printer.
Click the image or link below to download this chart.
You are free to use this Alphabet Chart Printable for personal or classroom use only. Please don’t share the file, but if you’d like to share the chart with friends, please forward this page to them so that they can download the file themselves. These downloads may not be used in any commercial fashion.
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