In this article: 14 different ladybug crafts for preschoolers to help teach about this amazing little insect!

Are your kids as obsessed with ladybugs as mine? Seriously, it’s like the point out every single lady bug they see. Which is a lot. Especially when they come INSIDE in the fall!

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But really ladybugs are amazing. And so cool to learn about. From their larva stage that looks NOTHING like a grown ladybug, to their bright red shells and black dots, ladybugs are just fun. 

Plus if you garden, they are very beneficial to your plants as well since they eat aphids!


14 Fun Ladybug Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers to Enjoy


14 Fun Ladybug Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers to Enjoy


Maybe you are planning a fun ladybug unit for your kids, or maybe you just want to make some fun crafts, either way you and your preschooler will love these ladybug crafts!

But first, let me share some of our family favorite books about ladybugs:

No unit on ladybugs is complete without a few good stories!

These free printable Printable Ladybug Templates can be a great base for all sorts of ladybug crafts or try these Ladybug Coloring Pages.

How here are the crafts:

Ladybug Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers & Toddlers

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