7 Tips for Getting Your Baby to Eat Solid Food

Adding in solid foods to your baby’s diet is a fun adventure that lots of parents look forward to- and stress over.  

Here are 7 tips to move passed milk (and mashed banana!) to eating solid foods with the whole family! 

Give them a taste

The best way to get babies to eat solids, is to give it to them when they ask. It doesn’t have to be a big production of high chairs, tiny spoons, bibs, and jars.

Make it a family dinner

Let your baby see that eating is a normal everyday occurrence in the home. 

Variety of Tastes and Textures

Offer different flavors and textures to allow your baby the chance to form his own taste in food.

Don’t force it

Give them opportunity and tastes, but ultimately let the baby take the lead on what and how he eats solids. 

Let Them Feed Themselves

If your baby is showing his budding independence, let him feed himself. 

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