20 Fun Summer Activities to Do as a Family This Summer!

We only have a few precious years to spend with our kids before they grow up, move out, begin lives of their own.  Make the time count by having fun together as a family this summer!

This summer make it a point to create some fun memories with these summer activities for kids and families.  Good for kids of all ages- from toddlers to teens! 

Visit a U-Pick Farm 

The produce is usually cheaper than if you bought it at the store or farmstand- and then you get to make memories in the kitchen using up all that yummy, fresh-picked food!

Go Fishing

Fishing is great for the whole family. From a 1 year old digging in our can of corn (that was supposed to be bait) to a 3 year old trying to put a wiggly worm on a hook to a 10 year old catching his first 15 lb catfish.

Attend a Local Festival 

There are all sorts of festivals that take place throughout most locations in the summer. They are usually inexpensive or free to attend and are a ton of fun for families.

Play at a Sprinkler Park 

Water is so much fun- and the local sprinkler park is a great way to cool off in the summer heat.

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